Thalassophobia Test
Does the thought of deep water, and what lies beneath it, put you on edge? Take this test to find out if you have 'thalassophobia.'

By Scott Travers, Ph.D. | August 07, 2024
Thalassophobia is an intense fear of the sea or large bodies of water. This phobia can encompass a range of fears—including fear of deep water, fear of vast, empty expanses of water and fear of what might lurk beneath the surface. Individuals with thalassophobia may experience anxiety, panic attacks, and avoidance behaviors when confronted with the ocean, or even when thinking about it. This fear can significantly limit activities such as swimming, boating or enjoying coastal environments.
Understanding your level of thalassophobia is important for managing how it affects your life. Knowing the severity of your fear can help you recognize the specific situations and triggers that provoke anxiety. This, in turn, will help you know when it's time to seek appropriate interventions to reduce your fear and improve your ability to enjoy activities involving water. Understanding this phobia can help you develop coping strategies, making it easier to confront and manage your fear in a controlled and safe manner.
The Thalassophobia Test is a valuable tool for assessing the intensity and nature of an individual's fear of the sea and large bodies of water. The test helps individuals and mental health professionals understand the specific dimensions of the fear, including emotional and physical reactions. By using the test, you can learn the inner workings of your phobia; from there, you can take the first steps towards managing and coping with your triggers.
You can take this test here. Follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: Rate the following statements based on how much you agree with them on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree.
References: Perez, L. A. (2024, July 15). Thalassophobia Test. CarePatron. https://www.carepatron.com/templates/thalassophobia-test