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Parentification Scale

Were you 'parentified' as a child? Take this test to find out.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | September 09, 2024

Parentification occurs when a child assumes roles typically held by a parent—either by providing emotional support or taking on responsibilities that are inappropriate for a child. This pressure can significantly influence a child's emotional development, leading to long-term impacts and adult trauma.

Adults who were parentified may become overly self-reliant or emotionally distant while also struggling with setting boundaries in relationships. In later years, this can lead to difficulties forming healthy attachments, resentment, low self-esteem and an overwhelming sense of responsibility in personal or professional life

The parentification scale offers a structured approach to evaluating emotional and practical forms of parentification, clearly assessing who may have experienced this dynamic. This can be useful for individuals seeking to understand the impact of early family dynamics on their current emotional well-being.

You can take this test here. Follow all of the steps to receive your results.

Step 1: On a scale from never to always, rate the statements below based on how frequently they occurred during your childhood.

Step 2: Enter your age, gender, region, and first name so we can provide you with a detailed report that compares your test scores to people similar to you.

Step 3: Check to make sure you've provided answers to all of the statements/questions above. Once you've done that, click the button below to send your responses to Awake Therapy's Lead Psychologist, Mark Travers, Ph.D. He will provide you with an overview of how you scored relative to others (all answers are anonymized and confidential to protect users' privacy). He can also answer any follow-up questions you may have.

References: Mika, P., Bergner, R. M., & Baum, M. C.(1987). The development of a scale for the assessment of parentification. Family Therapy, 14. 229-235.

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