Ineffective Arguing Inventory
Is your relationship dominated by inefficacious arguments? Take this test to find out if you have a faulty conflict resolution style.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | March 14, 2024
Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, enabling partners to understand each other's needs. Resorting to ineffective arguing can negatively impact relationships, and in extreme cases, can even lead to dissolution.
The Ineffective Arguing Inventory, developed by Lawrence A. Kurdek, is a tool designed to assess the dysfunctional style of resolving conflict between a couple. The inventory provides an insight into the behavior that may hinder constructive dialogue and conflict resolution.
You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: Rate the following statements based on how much each describes your relationship on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree:
References: Kurdek, L. A. (1994). Conflict Resolution Styles in Gay, Lesbian, Heterosexual Nonparent, and Heterosexual Parent Couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 56(3), 705-722.