Digital Hoarding Questionnaire
Do you struggle to let go of your digital possessions? Take this test to find out if you have a 'digital hoarding' habit.
By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | December 13, 2023
In the ever-evolving digital age, the notion of hoarding has transcended the physical realm, giving rise to a subtle yet pervasive behavior known as "digital hoarding." While traditional hoarding disorder is well-documented, the digital variant involves the accumulation of countless digital files, often leading to stress and disorder in the virtual space. As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology, understanding and addressing digital hoarding is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship with our digital possessions.
Unlike physical clutter that is overtly visible, digital hoarding operates on our devices, making it challenging to identify and address. Recognizing this, researchers and psychologists have developed tools to quantify and assess digital hoarding habits.
At the forefront of understanding digital hoarding lies a valuable tool: The Digital Hoarding Questionnaire. Developed to delve into the intricacies of digital possession management, this questionnaire comprises 10 carefully crafted statements that prompt individuals to reflect on their behaviors.
By gauging one's resistance to deletion and emotional connections to files, this questionnaire provides a structured framework for assessing digital hoarding behaviors. Armed with insights from the questionnaire, individuals can embark on a journey of intentional digital curation, fostering a healthier and more mindful relationship with their virtual belongings.
You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: Please answer the following statements by selecting the most appropriate number, where 1 = not at all to 5 = very much so:
References: Neave, N., Briggs, P., Mckellar, K., & Sillence, E. (2019). Digital hoarding behavious: measurement and evaluation. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 72-77.