Authenticity In Relationships Scale
Worried that you sweep your feelings under the rug too often in your relationships? Take this test and find out.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | November 20, 2023
In the intricate dance of relationships, authenticity emerges as a cornerstone, laying the foundation for genuine connections. The ability to be true to oneself and others fosters trust, understanding and emotional intimacy.
Authenticity is not about being flawless, but embracing the imperfections that make us human. It creates a space for open communication, where individuals feel heard, accepted and valued.
Recognizing this pivotal role of authenticity in relationship dynamics led to the development of the Authenticity in Relationships Scale (AIRS).
The scale emerged from the need to quantify the elements that contribute to authentic connections. It comprises thought-provoking statements reflecting common dilemmas individuals face when navigating their authenticity within relationships. These questions are crafted to delve into the nuances of self-expression, compromise and genuine communication, providing a structured framework for individuals to self-reflect.
The authenticity in relationships scale offers a valuable avenue for individuals and psychologists to gauge authenticity within the context of relationships. With this tool, clinicians and users can gain insights into communication patterns, emotional expressions and the balance between asserting oneself and considering others' feelings. The scale doesn't just provide a numerical score; it invites individuals to contemplate their responses, fostering self-awareness and encouraging a proactive approach to authentic living.
You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: Rate the following statements based on how much you agree with them on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree.
References: Wang, Y. N. (2016). Balanced authenticity predicts optimal well-being: Theoretical conceptualization and empirical development of the authenticity in relationships scale. Individual and Personality Differences, 94(2016). 316-323.