

5 Reasons Why Arts And Crafts Should Be A Go-To Activity For Bonding With Your Child

Not only is crafting fun for your child, but it can be highly beneficial for them too. Here’s how you both can enjoy it.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | May 22, 2024

Despite the average American child spending approximately 13 hours a week in front of screens, they overwhelmingly prefer being off their devices. This aligns with the findings from a 2023 study published in BMC Psychology, which observed that children who spent more time on screens, particularly in households with higher parental stress, exhibited increased "internalizing behaviors," which include psychological issues like anxiety and depression.

This suggests that excessive screen time, especially in a stressful environment, can intensify mental health challenges in children.

Crafting and other forms of sensory play stand out as valuable activities that not only engage children interactively but also support their emotional and mental well-being. Here are five compelling reasons why crafting with your child is an excellent parenting strategy:

  1. Enhances creativity. Crafting encourages children to use their imagination, promoting creativity and innovation.
  2. Develops fine motor skills. Activities such as cutting, gluing and assembling enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  3. Improves problem-solving abilities. Crafting presents challenges that require solving, which enhances critical thinking.
  4. Strengthens bonds. Spending time together on a craft project can strengthen the relationship between parent and child, enhancing communication and mutual respect.
  5. Boosts self-esteem. Completing a craft gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their confidence.

Crafting is also a practical solution for parents aiming to effectively manage their child's screen time. As digital devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, finding balance is crucial.

Recognizing the need for balance between digital and tactile play, industry giants like Elmer's are stepping up to support parents and educators. Elmer's Creations, for instance, is an initiative that aims to make crafting more accessible and enjoyable for families.

"We found that 96% of parents recognize the importance of hands-on, sensory play for their child's development, in addition to their creativity, confidence, social and critical thinking skills," says Nikki Lesperance, the Director of Brand Marketing at Elmer's.

Why Children Don't Need To Be 'Convinced' To Engage In Arts And Crafts

There's a misconception that weaning children away from screens is hard. Let's put that into perspective.

Typically, parents might try to manage screen time by setting timers or creating schedules, which can feel restrictive to children. While these methods can be part of a balanced approach, they often don't address the child's need for engaging and stimulating alternatives to screen activities.

A more effective strategy involves integrating activities that are genuinely enjoyable and enriching to children. For example, instead of saying, "No more iPad today," a parent could introduce a crafting project right before the child's usual "iPad time."

"Many parents think that they have to be personally super crafty or participate alongside their kids in really long and complex activities to keep them busy. But in reality, there are many simple and easy options to engage your children in sensory play," explains Kate Bast, who is a creator and expert crafter, and has worked with Elmer's Creations projects on her platforms where parents follow her for realistic and accessible activities for their families.

Children are naturally curious and creative. When given the materials and the opportunity, most children are eager to explore and create. This intrinsic motivation is what makes crafting such a powerful tool in the parenting arsenal. It leverages children's natural tendencies towards curiosity and manipulation of objects, turning what might be a screen-free mandate into an exciting exploration of textures, colors and forms.

Why Parents Need To Be Involved In Their Child's 'Sensory Play'

Research indicates that sensory play, like crafting, cultivates critical thinking skills as children learn about cause and effect and tackle problem-solving during messy play. Perhaps more importantly, the act of participating in sensory play can be a key tool in nurturing a child's emotional well-being.

Collaborating with your child on an arts and crafts project provides a unique opportunity for them to express themselves and communicate in non-verbal ways. Through these interactions, you can gain deeper insights into your child's thoughts and feelings. Moreover, it can give you an opportunity to observe and guide their emotional release and help them with behavior control.

Engaging together in sensory activities can strengthen the parent-child relationship, offering moments of mutual discovery and joy that are as educational as they are emotional. This shared experience can greatly improve communication and understanding, fostering a nurturing environment that supports overall emotional health and connection.

Are you usually too tired to engage in craft-play with your child? Take the Parental Burnout Assessment to know if you need support.

A similar version of this article can also be found on, here.

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