

2 Life-Changing Effects That Taking DMT Can Have

DMT is often referred to as the 'spirit molecule.' Here's two mind-bending effects that it can have on you.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | September 19, 2024

DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful psychedelic compound found in various plants and animals. It's known for inducing intense hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. Often referred to as the "spirit molecule," DMT is known for the profound, mystical experiences associated with its use.

Despite being a Schedule 1 substance (illegal both in the medical and recreational domains), DMT is being researched extensively for its far-reaching potential in the field of mental health. Research published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs suggests that DMT could also potentially be used as a mental health intervention for anxiety, depression and substance dependence.

However, it's important to approach DMT with caution. While most users report positive and enlightening experiences, for some, DMT "trips" may induce fear, discomfort or overwhelming emotions.

This variability underscores the importance of discretion; DMT may not be suitable for everyone. As with any powerful psychoactive substance, careful consideration and professional guidance are essential before exploring its potential benefits.

A 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychology explored the otherworldly experiences associated with DMT use.

Here are two commonly reported experiences of DMT users, according to the study.

1. Meeting 'Other' Sentient Beings

Researchers found that a remarkable 94% of participants reported encounters with sentient "beings" that were separate from themselves, whom they could see or sense the presence of.

These beings varied in form and demeanor, sometimes appearing as humanoid, insectoid or even geometric shapes that defied typical physical descriptions.

One participant, TM, describes seeing "a lot of very strange clowns…mechanical entities. Very cartoonistic trying to show me something… It was like a toy …continuously moving and changing shapes and colors. [They would] push them in my face and I could see every single detail."

For many, these entities seemed to serve specific roles. Some participants described them as "guides" or "presenters," showing them objects or experiences as part of a mystical journey. Others felt a nurturing presence, with entities acting as comforting or playful companions.

"There was a sense of being healed,of [the observers] working on my physical and psychic body, eliminating toxins. They were curious to understand what I am, what I'm seeking. All very benevolent, looking out for me," explains participant MP.

Interestingly, a minority of participants also experienced the entities as controlling or manipulative, often embodying a "trickster" archetype that could be both mischievous and protective.

"A female face was tempting me. There was a mischievousness to it. She's like, 'I'm the master and orchestrator of this whole situation, but I like having a laugh at the same time.' She wasn't a god-like deity…she was like a child God!… Sometimes very nurturing and maternal, very protective if she feels like I'm getting into bad, deep water," explains participant DD.

These encounters were not just visual; participants often felt a strong emotional or psychic connection to the beings, describing them as hyper-intelligent or as part of a larger, interconnected consciousness.

Some even perceived these entities as manifestations of the DMT experience itself. "The DMT was showing me around… it felt very feminine…pulling me into these vortices," participant SH explains.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology describes similar experiences with DMT.

"The most common descriptive labels for the entity were being, guide, spirit, alien and helper. Although 41% of respondents reported fear during the encounter, the most prominent emotions both in the respondent and attributed to the entity were love, kindness and joy," the researchers write.

"More than half of those who identified as atheist before the experience no longer identified as atheist afterwards. The experiences were rated as among the most meaningful, spiritual and psychologically insightful lifetime experiences," the researchers add, highlighting how these experiences led to sustained positive change in the users' lives.

2. Exploring Entirely New Worlds

All participants of the 2021 study reported experiencing a "breakthrough experience," which involved entering an altered state of consciousness where they felt they had accessed a completely different reality or dimension.

These new worlds took on various forms—some resembled natural landscapes, like celestial environments or gardens of "extraordinary beauty," while others had an artificial or mechanical quality, reminiscent of sci-fi settings filled with conveyor belts, futuristic machinery or even "children's worlds" that felt playful and whimsical.

"Reality was just shifting—like you know those books, when you take one page and then they create a 3D object… Like that experience of a universe folding and unfolding," explains participant GR.

Participants also reported a sense of familiarity within these strange realms, as though the new worlds echoed elements of our earthly reality but in a distorted or exaggerated way. Some described seeing intricate geometric shapes, such as pyramids, cubes or lattices, which seemed to represent the fundamental structures of the universe.

Participant FF describes seeing a world with "icon-like" creatures, "within conveyor belts, they were everywhere…Very sci-fi… but beautiful, it felt like the natural order of things. There was a purpose to it! Yeah, they were up to something. Like this whole thing was like the innards of a machine… but maybe your blood flowing through your system"

A 2022 study published in Scientific Reports further describes participants' experiences of "DMT worlds."

"Common typology, architecture and structural features of the 'DMT world' included descriptions of alternate or higher dimensions, rooms including the 'waiting room' and a tunnel," the researchers write.

DMT users often report experiencing "ego deaths" or a deep interconnectedness with the universe. Have you? Take this science-backed test to find out: Ego Dissolution Scale

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