General Procrastination Scale
Is procrastination silently sabotaging your life? Take this test to find out.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | April 12, 2024
Procrastination refers to the act of delaying or postponing tasks or responsibilities that need to be accomplished. It often involves putting off important actions in favor of more immediate, pleasurable activities or simply avoiding tasks due to feelings of discomfort or anxiety associated with them.
While occasional procrastination is common and may not have significant consequences, chronic procrastination can have profound effects on individuals' lives. It can lead to various negative outcomes, both personally and professionally.
On a personal level, it can contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of guilt or shame. Constantly delaying tasks can create a cycle of self-criticism and frustration, as individuals struggle to meet their own expectations and deadlines. This can erode self-esteem and confidence over time, as individuals may perceive themselves as incapable or unreliable.
The General Procrastination Scale is a valuable instrument for individuals to assess their procrastination tendencies objectively and identify areas where they may need to improve their time management and productivity skills. By understanding their procrastination patterns, individuals can take proactive steps to address underlying issues, such as perfectionism or fear of failure, and develop strategies to overcome procrastination habits.
You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: For each statement, decide whether the statement is uncharacteristic or characteristic of you on a scale of “extremely uncharacteristic” to “extremely characteristic”.
References: Lay, C. (1986). At last, my research article on procrastination. Journal of Research in Personality, 20, 474-495.