

How To Use 'Vision Boards' To Manifest Success

If you've been having trouble reaching your goals, 'vision boarding' might just do the trick.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | April 05, 2024

A TD Bank survey found that one in five successful entrepreneurs use vision boards when starting their business and about 76% reported that their progress so far has aligned with their vision. 82% of these small business owners found that they have accomplished over half of their business goals since they began.

A vision board is a tool used for visualization and goal setting. It is typically a collage of images, words and affirmations that represent the things you want to achieve, acquire or experience in life. The purpose of a vision board is to create a visual representation of your goals and desires, helping to clarify your intentions and keep them at the forefront of your mind.

Creating a vision board involves gathering materials such as magazines, photos, drawings, quotes and other visuals that resonate with your goals and aspirations. These materials are then arranged and pasted onto a board or poster in a way that feels meaningful and inspiring to you.

By regularly viewing your vision board, you reinforce your goals and intentions, which can help you stay focused, motivated and aligned with your personal vision. Many people find that vision boards are a powerful tool for "manifesting success" and personal growth.

Here are a few reasons why vision boards can move you closer to your goals, according to research.

  • Building confidence. A 2019 study suggests that vision boards encourage self-expression and help identify meaningful future goals, inner strengths, interests and core values. Researchers found that they also strengthen an individual's confidence in their ability to effectively execute actions necessary to attain desired outcomes and prompt them to seek out supportive resources. Respondents of the TD Bank survey using vision boards were twice as confident about achieving their goals than non-users.
  • Improved goal setting. Setting clear and specific goals is a key factor in achievement. Vision boards help individuals articulate their goals visually, making them more concrete, accessible and well-defined. Setting challenging yet attainable goals can lead to increased effort, persistence and performance.
  • Encouraging self-concordance. A 2024 study found that self-concordance, which refers to the alignment between one's goals and intrinsic motivations, values and interests, leads to experiencing more positive emotions. Vision boards and mental simulations of successful futures allow us to engage in self-concordant goal-setting. This, in turn, enhances both goal commitment and goal progress.
  • Rewiring the brain. Visual stimuli can prime certain thoughts, emotions and behaviors. When individuals regularly view their vision boards, they may experience priming effects that activate related goals, values and motivations. This can lead to increased attention to goal-relevant opportunities and actions.

Here are some tips to help you get started making your first vision board.

  • Set intentions. Before you start gathering materials, take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. What do you want to achieve in various areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health and personal growth? Your vision board should reflect your unique goals and desires, so do not feel pressured to include anything that doesn't resonate with you.
  • Be specific. Include specific images and words that represent your goals as vividly as possible. For example, if your goal is to travel, include pictures of your dream destinations.
  • Use affirmations. Incorporate affirmations or positive statements that align with your goals. These can help reinforce your beliefs and mindset.
  • Get creative. Feel free to use colors, drawings, stickers and other decorative elements to make your vision board visually appealing and engaging. It is also helpful to hang your vision board in a prominent place where you'll see it every day, such as your bedroom, office or workspace.
  • Review regularly. Take a few moments each day to look at your vision board and visualize yourself achieving your goals. Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with your aspirations. As your goals evolve or you achieve them, feel free to update your vision board accordingly. This keeps it relevant and motivating.
  • Take action. While visualization is powerful, it's essential to take real action towards your goals. Use your vision board as a tool to inspire and guide your actions.
  • Celebrate your progress. Share your progress with supportive friends or family members. Accountability and encouragement can help you stay committed to your vision. When you achieve a goal or milestone represented on your vision board, take time to celebrate your success and acknowledge your hard work as this drives you to keep going.

Vision boards can be potent tools for clarifying intentions, staying motivated and achieving long-term goals. So, whether you're embarking on a new business venture or pursuing personal growth in various areas of your life, consider harnessing the power of vision boarding to chart your course and celebrate your journey towards success.

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