

2 Netflix Shows With Refreshingly Accurate Depictions Of Mental Health

If you're looking for shows that actually do a good job at depicting mental health, these two Netflix series should be on your watch-list.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | May 21, 2024

The search for the perfect binge-worthy show can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack. We endlessly scroll, hoping to stumble upon a hidden gem that will captivate us. But, more often than not, we find ourselves drawn to trashy or meaningless shows that offer little in terms of substance or satisfaction. These fleeting indulgences may provide temporary entertainment, but they rarely leave a lasting impact—fading quickly from memory once the credits roll.

But, littered in the mass of forgettable content, there are rare treasures waiting to be discovered—shows that not only make for a brilliant watch, but also touch on subjects that matter. In an era where authentic depictions of everyday people and their everyday problems are increasingly hard to come by, few shows stand out in their ability to depict mental health and well-being realistically. However, the following two Netflix series do just that.

1. After Life (2019–2022)

After Life is a renowned Netflix comedy series that follows the journey of Tony, a man grappling with profound grief following the death of his wife. Consumed by sorrow and anger, he navigates his pain by adopting a suicidal and nihilistic outlook—believing that he has nothing left to lose. However, as he interacts with the residents of his small town and reflects on his memories with his wife, he begins to reconsider his approach to life and discovers moments of unexpected beauty.

Stereotypical portrayals of coping with death often rely on overused tropes of dark humor as a coping mechanism. In these depictions, characters use sarcasm, irony and morbid jokes as a way to deflect from the emotional weight of loss, and to mask their true feelings of grief. These portrayals can perpetuate the misconception that laughter is incompatible with mourning, making it seem like an unhealthy, macabre coping mechanism. Instead, grief is reduced to a punchline, and the profound impact that loss can have is completely trivialized.

In reality, research indicates that responses to death are multifaceted, and that humor can, in fact, play a significant role in how individuals navigate grief. While the intense sorrow caused by the loss of a loved one is not inherently humorous, humor has long been intertwined with discussions of death. Humor serves as a valuable coping mechanism, as it fulfills various social and cognitive management functions. And, in applying humor, individuals often can repair or defuse the animosity of their circumstances. This form of coping can be seen as both defiant and life-affirming, providing a way to find solace and meaning during the unpleasantness of grief.

After Life defies conventional portrayals of grief by neither trivializing nor speeding through the grieving process with humor. The above research applauds that After Life doesn't attempt to diminish the power of death by making light of it. Instead, it subverts audience expectations by offering a warm, heart-wrenching portrayal of loss that contrasts strongly with the anticipated humor. And, rather than conforming to stereotypical portrayals of men's grief as stoic and emotionally closed-off, Tony is depicted as vulnerable, flawed and deeply human. Through its sincere exploration of grief and its refusal to shy away from the ugly sides of loss, After Life not only challenges societal norms, but also offers viewers a profound and empathetic glimpse into coping with life after death. This refreshing approach aligns with the fact that honest depictions of grief resonate far more deeply with audiences, making it a must-watch.

2. Maid (2021)

Maid is a Netflix original series based on the memoir "Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive" by Stephanie Land. The series follows the journey of a struggling single mother who escapes an abusive relationship and strives to build a better life for herself and her daughter. To make ends meet, she takes on a job as a maid, and faces numerous challenges and obstacles along the way.

Dramatized portrayals of poverty and domestic abuse often depict these issues in a sensationalized or oversimplified manner. Poverty is frequently glamorized or portrayed as a temporary setback rather than a systemic issue rooted in economic inequality. Similarly, domestic abuse is often sensationalized for dramatic effect, focusing on extreme acts of violence rather than the less entertaining, insidious aspects of it. Resultant PTSD is also commonly misrepresented, with characters experiencing sudden and dramatic flashbacks or breakdowns, rather than the more complex symptoms that individuals may actually experience.

Actual research on poverty, domestic abuse and PTSD reveals a stark contrast to the dramatized portrayals commonly seen in Hollywood. These issues are deeply interlinked and often manifest in complex ways that are far removed from the sensationalized depictions on screen.

Poverty is not a temporary setback, but a pervasive and entrenched condition that affects every aspect of a person's life, making it incredibly difficult to break out of without access to resources and support. Domestic abuse is not always characterized by dramatic acts of violence, but often involves subtle forms of control and manipulation that can be difficult to recognize and escape. Similarly, PTSD is not always marked by sudden and dramatic flashbacks or breakdowns, but can manifest in a variety of symptoms that may be less visible to outsiders, such as hypervigilance, dissociation and emotional numbing.

Maid is an outstanding series that shows what escaping domestic violence, poverty and trauma actually looks like. Rather than sensationalizing these issues, the series offers a realistic and gritty look into the process, highlighting the messy, repetitive and long-winded nature of the struggle. By showcasing the good, bad and ugly sides of homelessness, romance and motherhood, Maid sheds light on the systemic barriers and societal injustices that individuals like the protagonist face—and has rightly earned its place as a superb and unmissable show.

Do you often find yourself believing inaccurate portrayals of mental health issues? Take the Psychological Misconception Questionnaire to know why.

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