

3 Surprising Benefits That Come From Sharing Memes

Research shows that memes are far more than just sources of laughter, but can actually be a fantastic form of coping and connection.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | July 23, 2024

Memes, which are usually humorous and relatable images paired with text, have become a key part of internet culture. They come in many forms and carry symbolic meanings, representing everything from everyday struggles and pop culture references to political commentary and niche internet humor.

Memes can be described as the "genes" of internet culture: they replicate, mutate and evolve into a universal language of humor, thriving only if they're witty enough to survive the fast-paced world of social media.

Interestingly, memes can also be an underrated tool for social connection, boosting mental health and enhancing relationships.

Here are three reasons why memes can improve our well-being.

1. Memes Provide Stress Relief And Build Resilience

Memes' virality and popularity can be attributed to their ability to encapsulate complex ideas and emotions in an easily digestible format, according to a 2013 study.

Since memes disseminate humor quickly and widely, they become an effective way to alleviate stress and experience a sense of control. By laughing at memes, individuals can distance themselves from their stressors and view them from a lighter perspective. This cognitive shift is helpful for cultivating resilience, allowing people to adapt and bounce back from adversity.

For instance, memes such as "Teachers be like, 'I know this situation is stressful for everyone.' Also, Teachers: Dump 20 assignments," can help stressed students feel understood and share a laugh.

Additionally, a 2020 study found that humorous memes acted as a therapeutic tool post-Covid-19, helping people cope with the pandemic's severity by providing stress relief and fostering emotional well-being.

Another 2022 study published in Psychology of Popular Media found that meme viewing during the Covid-19 pandemic was associated with stronger positive emotions and increased coping efficacy among viewers.

The study also highlights how memes not only entertained users but also reduced Covid-19-related stress and enhanced emotional well-being. Researchers suggest that memes can foster a sense of community and collective resilience, aiding people in navigating such challenging events.

A 2021 study published in Nature also found that memes related to the Covid-19 pandemic significantly helped individuals with high anxiety by providing humor and relatability, thereby enhancing their emotional regulation.

Moreover, the use of dark humor in memes helps individuals confront and share challenging topics in a less threatening way. Although often considered controversial, dark memes can provide a safe space for expressing difficult emotions and experiences. For instance, research shows that people with depression tend to find memes about depression funnier and more relatable than those who aren't depressed.

2. Memes Highlight Shared Experiences

Memes evoke strong emotional responses and create a sense of shared experience, even among strangers. This collective resonance strengthens social bonds and fosters a feeling of "I am not alone in this." The feeling that others are experiencing similar struggles and joys can be incredibly comforting and empowering, especially during tough times.

For example, the viral "distracted boyfriend" meme, which humorously depicts a man looking at another woman while his girlfriend looks on disapprovingly, resonates with many due to its relatable depiction of everyday human relationship dynamics. It can be easily adapted to various contexts, allowing people to insert their own experiences, preferences or interests.

Another 2023 study found that sharing memes within relationships can significantly enhance emotional connection and satisfaction. When individuals share memes that reflect their feelings or experiences, they feel validated and understood, reinforcing their social bonds. The resulting shared laughter and understanding can provide a unique sense of community and support.

3. Memes Solidify Social Identity And Group Dynamics

Memes also help shape social identity and influence how social groups interact and bond. They often reflect the values, beliefs and norms of specific social groups, assisting individuals in expressing and reinforcing their group identity. By sharing and creating memes, people align themselves with particular communities, strengthening in-group ties and cohesion.

For instance, political memes can unify supporters of a particular ideology by succinctly conveying shared viewpoints and criticisms of the opposition. People use these memes to make fun of politicians, persuade and inform others and foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals.

This shared humor and critique strengthen group identity, enhance political participation and encourage the expression of political opinions online, ultimately creating a more cohesive and active supporter base.

In moments of crisis or daily stress, the humor and relatability of memes can lift spirits and provide a momentary escape, reminding people that they are part of a larger, supportive community, making memes a beloved and timeless coping mechanism. While it is important not to solely rely on memes for support and connection, they can be a small part of your day that makes a surprising difference.

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