

How To Become A Better Child Of Parents Who Are Growing Old

It's not easy to watch a parent enter the winter season of life. Here's how to 'be there' for them during their times of need.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | February 16, 2024

As our parents age, we find ourselves on a challenging emotional journey, one that often remains unspoken but deeply felt. It's the journey of anticipatory grief, a complex mix of emotions and thoughts that arise as we witness our parents becoming older, weaker and more frail. This concept, often overshadowed by post-loss grief, is equally devastating.

Anticipatory grief begins before the actual loss, as we grapple with the impending loss of our parents' vitality and independence. It encompasses emotions like sadness, anxiety, guilt and anger—stemming from the anticipated loss of the strong individuals who cared for us, uncertainty about the future, ambivalence regarding caregiving responsibilities and frustration with the challenges of aging parents.

Navigating these complex emotions as we support our aging parents through this phase of life can be challenging. Here are three coping strategies that you can focus on as you move through it.

1. Accept And Normalize The Natural Course Of Life

While it's natural to mourn the loss of what once was, it's essential to accept and normalize this as a part of life. According to one study, children coping with anticipatory grief found solace in distraction and maintaining normalcy.

There are various ways to be focused in the present and distract yourself from distressing emotions. For example:

  • If a parent has always had a green thumb, consider spending a sunny afternoon planting flowers together in the garden.
  • A simple tradition like Sunday brunch can become a treasured routine that strengthens family unity while crafting memories.
  • Engaging in therapeutic art, such as painting, sculpting or crafting, can also serve as a means to channel complex emotions that may be challenging to articulate and offers a meditative and healing experience.

Seizing such moments allows you to be present in the here and now, making the most of the time you have at this very moment.

2. Create Legacy Projects

A study published in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine revealed that memory-making can lead to overwhelmingly positive experiences, resulting in the creation of cherished mementos.

Creating legacy projects thus offer both—a sense of purpose while also giving you the chance to preserve memories. Here is how you can create one with your aging parents:

  • Create or update family photo albums together. Sifting through old photographs can be a delightful activity that sparks storytelling and evokes laughter. As you organize these pictures, you'll unearth forgotten memories and fortify the bonds that unify your family.
  • Encourage your parents to craft heartfelt letters addressed to their grandchildren or great-grandchildren. These letters can encompass personal anecdotes, valuable advice and expressions of love. They serve as a legacy that future generations can hold dear, providing a sense of continuity and connection.

3. Heal With Humor

At times when anticipatory grief becomes overwhelmingly stressful, laughter can act as a natural stress reliever by releasing endorphins—the body's feel-good chemicals. As an emotional release valve, humor temporarily alleviates the weight of grief and anxiety.

Research suggests that individuals with a natural inclination for humor tend to cope better with grief. They experience greater coping efficacy, fewer negative physical and emotional symptoms and generally function better during the grieving process.

Humor therapy proves to be an invaluable ally in coping with anticipatory grief, offering a multifaceted approach.

  • It eases emotional conversations. When discussing topics related to aging, such as health issues or end-of-life decisions, humor can help ease tension and create a more comfortable atmosphere. Sharing a lighthearted moment before addressing serious matters can make difficult discussions more approachable.
  • It builds emotional resilience. It allows individuals to reframe challenging situations and find humor in the face of adversity. By encouraging your parents to embrace humor, you empower them to adapt to the changes that come with aging and maintain a positive outlook.
  • It infuses an element of playfulness in your caregiving responsibilities. It can make caregiving tasks more enjoyable and alleviate the emotional strain that often accompanies such roles. For example, while assisting with daily routines like dressing or feeding, incorporate playful elements. Sing a silly song, tell light-hearted stories or use gentle humor to make these tasks feel less clinical and more human.

Anticipatory grief is a profound emotional journey that reflects the depth of our love and connection with our parents. As you walk this path, know that your emotions are valid and finding healthy ways to cope can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your parents, strengthening the bond you share. Keep in mind that each person's journey through grief is unique, so exploring different methods and finding what resonates with you personally can be particularly beneficial.

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