Psychological Safety Scale
If you second-guess your opinions at work more often than you'd like, the problem may not be you. Take this test to learn if your workplace is a psychological 'safe space.'
By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | January 03, 2024
Psychological safety is a concept that pertains to our likelihood of taking interpersonal risks. It's about "feeling at home," no matter where you are. The idea behind feeling psychologically safe at work is that, just as you wouldn't be able to speak up without the fear of retaliation among your loved ones, you should feel the same level of comfort and freedom in your workplace. This means you can voice your ideas, concerns or mistakes without fear of being judged, ridiculed or punished.
Some workplaces are more psychologically safe than others, and if you're wondering where yours falls in the spectrum, here's a seven-item version of the Psychological Safety Scale crafted by Amy Edmondson, renowned leadership and management professor at Harvard Business School.
Taking this test can help you reflect on your professional journey and give you an insight into whether you are truly where you need to be.
You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.
Step 1: Rate the statements below on a scale of Very Inaccurate (1) to Very Accurate (5).
References: Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.