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Couple Burnout Measure

Take this test to find out if your relationship candle is burning at both ends.

Mark Travers, Ph.D.

By Mark Travers, Ph.D. | December 12, 2023

The Couple Burnout Measure is a 10-item test that reveals the extent of "burnout" in your relationship. Burnout refers to a condition characterized by physical, emotional and mental fatigue, a diminished feeling of achievement, a sense of detachment and a lack of involvement. Couple burnout is usually seen in long-term relationships that are emotionally demanding or involve some degree of caretaking responsibilities.

This test has been used by numerous psychological researchers to investigate the experience of burnout in couples, what predicts burnout and the influences burnout can have on romantic relationships. It is especially useful in developing various interventions targeting multiple relationship-related stressors.

You can take this test here. Please follow all of the steps to receive your results.

Step 1: Think about your marriage or intimate relationship overall, and rate, on a scale of Never to Always, how frequently you experience the thoughts that follow.

Step 2: Enter your age, gender, region, and first name so we can provide you with a detailed report that compares your test scores to people similar to you.

Step 3: Check to make sure you've provided answers to all of the statements/questions above. Once you've done that, click the button below to send your responses to Awake Therapy's Lead Psychologist, Mark Travers, Ph.D. He will provide you with an overview of how you scored relative to others (all answers are anonymized and confidential to protect users' privacy). He can also answer any follow-up questions you may have.

References: Pines, A. P., Neal, M. B., Hammer, L. B., & Icekson T. (2011). Job Burnout and Couple Burnout in Dual-earner Couples in the Sandwiched Generation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 74(4), 361-386.

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